Maximize Your LinkedIn Potential

Event Date:
November 16, 2021
Event Time:
Registration Fee:
We are offering this virtual event at no charge to our members and those interested in becoming members.

We’re thrilled to have Katherine Kent return to WHCM to provide an exciting advanced LinkedIn virtual learning session.

Katherine is an experienced career coach who for years has taught numerous clients ways to use LinkedIn to showcase their profile, expertise, and achievements while increasing their connections and strengthening their online professional brand.

Let’s face it, social media is a crowded space. Did you know that LinkedIn currently has over 700 million members in over 200 countries? In this session, Katherine will share ways for you to use LinkedIn to its maximum potential and to your advantage.

These include strategies to:

  • tweak your LinkedIn profile to showcase your personal brand
  • create compelling content that highlights your expertise
  • develop an effective Headline and Summary that leverages keywords
  • advance your networking approach
  • use LinkedIn to strengthen your professional career

She’ll also provide us with some tips to ace your online interview and allow time for Q & A.

Proposed Agenda:

5:00-5:45 Presentation
5:45-6:00 Q & A
6:00-6:30 networking (break out groups)