Summer Networking and Connecting
Today we have our first guest post from Jane Sherwin of WordDrive Communications. Jane writes about her experience at our Summer Networking Event:
Thought I’d share a little about my experience at WHCM’s recent summer networking event. Hopefully from my experience you can see if you’d be interested in attending one too! I managed to get to Joe’s American Bar and Grill pretty much on time despite the I-95 traffic—easy to find, just off the highway. Drove down from Belmont, MA with Adriane Bishko, a fellow writer. It was typical of one of WHCM’s small, relaxed networking events with everyone eager to talk, and excellent food including a fine spinach dip and some delicious dry cheddar.
Anyway, the task of the night was to break up into teams and write the six-word story of your life. Oh, no! But at my table we did pretty well, coaching anyone who felt stuck. Then we talked about the stories. Jessica Dolgin, an IT specialist at Athena Health, wrote: “I never take life too seriously.” She said that she has to stay relaxed to survive a very stressful though rewarding job. “Palliative care/case manager/need job” was Nancy Chane’s story, and when we learned more about her, these six words really told her story— Valerie Donnelly, sitting next to her, was the right source for help being a consultant to home health and hospice care. Mine was “Writing growing, children going, clients glowing.” (I’m a freelance writer for and about health care.)
Some stories from other tables: “Funny girl, business builder, problem solver;” “Not sure how this happened;” “Calculated risks some gains and losses.” As usual, people got into intense conversations and eventually got up and moved around for more conversation. I thought it was a great evening, have several connections to follow up on.